Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Your classroom is a game! Paul Anderson

Teacher of the year in Montana and a finalist for National Teacher of the year.

Positive and Negative Feedback Loops is one of his vodcasts on youtube.

TEDx Talk - Classroom Game Design

AP Biology - He has a moodle class with an avatar to connect with students.  He has been brought back in time to find the best biologists to help solve problems.
Made 55 video podcasts last summer to add as content to his class.

Components of each lesson -
Mastery Quiz

Google Thoughts -
The graph is at the front of the room and the kids fill in a google form as they did the experiment.  They watch the graph grow...  REAL TIME FEEDBACK

The Marshmallow Experiment video - delayed gratification (1/2 ate it and 1/2 didn't)
Kids that learned to cope with delayed gratification does "better."

We need to jump tracks, learn from failures, and stop doing all the work.  Students need to have questions to answer and tasks to accomplish in order for them to engage in learning!

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In the past 9 months, my school has been fortunate enough to gain access to many different tools and opportunities including  Sphero balls, ...